CEO’s Statement
Mercantile Credit is a boutique Private Equity participator, catering to the needs of Start-Up’s all the way up to established medium sized companies. We are invested in companies across the globe, from Infrastructure in West Africa, to Luxury Real Estate and Alternative Energy in South East Asia. We pride ourselves on understanding our partner’s financial needs as well as having a complete understanding of their markets. Whilst we do not interfere in day to day management decisions, our team of experts are on hand to offer back-up and advice.
If a potential partner fails to meet our Investment Criteria, we do not say, “Good-bye and Good Luck”, on the contrary, we are able to offer them third party finance, commonly referred to as Collateral Finance. Collateral Finance utilises Bank Guarantees to underwrite loans, capital injections and lines of credit. This form of finance has become incredibly popular,and we have promoted this route to many companies who have been unable to access credit facilities or private investment from traditional financiers.
Mercantile Credit, attach huge importance to non-fossil fuels, so as such, we are involving ourselves in the development of alternative energies. We anticipate partnering with dynamic companies, who are at this very moment producing fuels which are much less damaging to our environment.
Mercantile Credit are as always here to help, and in the event a company does not meet our investment criteria, we have partnered with a number of companies in Switzerland and Singapore who offer specialised finance solutions to those companies in need of liquidity or start-up finance.
Barclay Butler

Mercantile Credit SA, attach huge importance to non-fossil fuels, so as such, we are involving ourselves in the development of alternative energies. We anticipate partnering with dynamic companies, who are at this very moment producing fuels which are much less damaging to our environment.
Finally, as the world slowly recovers from Covid-19, Mercantile Credit, SA, can offer financial help and advice to those companies where the virus has left them with serious cash flow problems. We have partnered with a number of companies here in Switzerland offering specialised finance, to help and assist in the recovery process. We look forward to partnering with many more companies in the future.
Barclay Butler

Mercantile Credit
Based in Lausanne, Switzerland, Mercantile Credit is a private equity participator, we are a cross border global investor, owning a foundation in Liechtenstein and underwriting platforms in Switzerland. We are able to offer access to over 87 years of commercial and international banking experience, including expertise in fund management and capital markets.
We are a short to mid-term investment company, and making use of private capital we seek self-motivated and energetic companies with clear and pre-determined exit strategies. We adopt a flexible investment philosophy, where our capital involvement enhances existing skills and niche opportunities for entrepreneurs.
Target Markets
Mercantile Credit is already established in the luxury built environment sector market in South East Asia, as well as major infrastructure projects in West Africa. We are currently involved with infrastructure projects in the Balkans, renewable energy in Turkey and Asia, and healthcare in Australia. Our main areas of focus include:

We are particularly aware that in some areas of non-fossil fuel production, marginal land is not used.

Mercantile Credit looks to partner with energetic companies that are producing innovative and cutting edge products.

Whilst Mercantile Credit is currently favouring the luxury end of construction and development.

We will focus on those companies with energetic management, who wish to bring new and innovative products to the market.
We will, as is our methodology, look to make a positive impact on the local populace, especially in sub-Saharan Africa.